Under the icon “Memory Lane” various functionalities are housed, namely:
- “Current CareScreen”. Here you will find the data of the Memory Lane CareScreen user.
- “Relation management”. Here, if you are an administrator, you can invite other app users to link to the healthCareScreen using the app they have downloaded. You will find further information about this under ‘How do I add multiple app users?’
- “Hibernate”. Here you can set a sleep mode to turn off the care display during the night, for example, and have it start up again in the morning.
- “Clock”. You can choose between different types of clock displays here.
- “Screensaver”. Here you can set the screensaver.
- “Information”. Here, you will find important information about the care display. Here, you can find the care display serial number, which is important in all contacts with the helpdesk. You can also see here whether the battery of the care display is charged and whether it is connected to Wi-Fi.
- “Invite”. If the app user you want to add is not nearby, you can use this icon to email the QR code to the new app user so that they can remotely link to the CareScreen.
- “Restart”. Here you can remotely restart the CareScreen by pressing the restart button.