When you start up your Memory Lane CareScreen for the first time you will be shown a number of steps you need to go through to activate your CareScreen and link it with the Memory Lane app.

If you want to add several app users, then please follow these steps.
The administrator of the CareScreen is the one that first downloads, installs the app on their phone and configures the CareScreen.
The administrator is linked to the CareScreen and can add new users through the following steps:

  1. Go to the app.
  2. Press the icon “Memory Lane”.
  3. Press “Relation management” in the following screen.
  4. Press “Send invitation” in the bottom of the screen.
  5. Press “role” (top of the screen) to pick what sort of role this person has.
  6. The QR code shown on the screen can now be scanned by the new user.
  7. In the top right of the of the main screen you will see the menu. In the menu you will find 4 options. Among these, there is “scan QR-codes”. By pressing this you will activate the camera that will allow you so scan any QR codes. By scanning a QR code you will get access to a CareScreen.
  8. If the new app user does is not able to physically scan your QR code, it is also possible to send an activation link through email, Whatsapp or another chat app. The administrator can do this by selecting the “share” option in step 5. There you can select in through which medium you want to send your activation link.
  9. After scanning of the QR code the new user will be visible in the video calling screen on the CareScreen.