Alderman Sven De Lange hands out the first Memory Lane to a senior citizen in Rotterdam!
Fifty senior citizens from Rotterdam are again involved in everyday life together with their family and friends.
Alderman Sven de Langen, responsible for public health, care, the elderly, sport, and Mieke Melis, responsible for wmo radar, today handed over the first Memory Lane to Mrs. Martinus, a self-employed resident in a senior citizens complex in Rotterdam Centre. Of the fifty senior citizens living in Rotterdam Centre and Overschie, she is the first to become actively involved in everyday life again. Wmo radar and Home Instead Thuisservice Rotterdam have joined forces to offer fifty Rotterdam senior citizens free use of the unique digital experience provided by Memory Lane.
‘’Memory Lane that makes you happy. The Memory Lane is a beautiful display and a wonderful gift! We are very curious how Memory Lane will support the elderly.’’
says Veronique Vaarten of wmo radar.
User-friendly digital display
Memory Lane is a digital screen in a chic photo frame that reconnects seniors with their surroundings at home on the coffee table. The screen was developed to reduce loneliness and support care. As part of the pilot project in Rotterdam, fifty seniors with Memory Lane will be followed for six months. After this period, an evaluation will take place whether Memory Lane actually supports contact with family, acquaintances, and care providers and, as a result, reduces loneliness. Experience shows that Memory Lane plays an essential role in the lives of senior citizens.
Contact with family at the touch of a button
With a simple push of a button, the senior sees the family via image. The remote family involved is always close by. Through the simple family app, the family is directly involved in sharing memories and photos and supporting essential calendar appointments. Because of the fixed place between other picture frames in the house, Memory Lane offers a familiar digital environment, which also brings music and images from past times into the living room.
“We are delighted today to hand over the first Memory Lane in the region,” says Rob Noldus, director of Home Instead Thuisservice Rotterdam. “Personal contact is of paramount importance to us, and we support seniors in living at home as long as possible. When the trusted caregivers leave after their shift, Memory Lane is in the house, making direct contact with Home Instead possible. The caregivers also work together with music and exercise. We expect this addition to make the lives of independently living seniors more pleasant and less lonely. That is our goal: to make the lives of seniors as pleasant as possible.”
Source; AD 010